UkeQUESTors (Online)

January 3, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Instructor: Doug Anderson and Theresa Miller

The LearningQUEST UkeQuestors are a special interest group (SIG) that provides an opportunity for ukulele players of all levels to meet in an open, unintimidating, and accepting environment to refine and expand their skills, and to “jam” and sing. Though players are assisted in development, beginner lessons are not provided at this time. To wit, JUST HAVE FUN! One goal of the sessions will be for participants to gain confidence in their playing ability so they will be
willing to perform in ensemble at events such as the Alabama Uke Fest. For information, contact Theresa Miller at or William Heney at LearningQUEST members can also join the SIG by requesting membership to the UkeQuestor SIG Facebook page. Once a member, the schedule, music resource webpage, and Zoom links will be available.

NOTE: On 2nd and 4th Sundays – meets Library 2FL; 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays meets online.